Thursday, May 31, 2007

Our Little Lady

Violet is 12 weeks old today. Every day I look at her and think of what a blessing she is and can't imagine my life without her. Last week she laughed for the first time. It is truly a magical thing when you hear your baby laugh for the first time! Luckily, she laughed for Rich a few days later - so he actually believed that it had happened. ;)
Violet is very smiley lately. I love to come in and get her in the morning - she always gives me a big, bright smile and wiggles her legs to greet me. Her continuous smiling throughout the day only confirms what I've know my whole life - I am the funniest woman alive! ;)
She's gained 4 lbs and grown 2 inches since she was born and her elbows and knuckles are beginning to sport the quintessential baby dimples!
I can't wait for the next 12 weeks to see how much she grows and learns.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Monday, May 07, 2007

Pain in the bootie...

Violet received this cute little outfit from a long time friend of the family. After 11 attempts to get a snap shot of her feet with BOTH booties on, I figured the picture was blog worthy if only for my efforts. ;) Not sure why, but she looks very frightened to be sporting her little hat and shawl. Ah well. Beauty is pain (or at least a mild annoyance) at times.