Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day '08

Vi had a picnic with her buddies. More pics to come.

Thanks Jen and Kristin for these shots!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dear Grandma,

Can you please tell my mom that I want my bangs cut? They're driving me bananas.

Your Viley
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Palmin' It

Much to her father's chagrin, Violet looks to have a future in b-ball.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lil' firecracker

The other day, my dad asked Violet if she had 'combed her hair with a firecracker'. Lately, it looks like she has an arsenal of them in her crib. See 'bed head' exhibits A, B, & C below (click to enlarge):

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday afternoon

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Violet loves lilacs. Their smell, color and yes, taste. The Lilac Festival has just come to a close. It was the first festival of the season and it's the 'queen mother' of area festivals lasting for 9 days. We were there 4 out of the 9. Violet had a wonderful time:

A bicolor blossom known as 'Sensation' (my new fave)

Climbing trees
Vi's friend Hannah enjoying the calming aromas (what a cutie!)
Looks like she's hatching a plan...
V: Hey Mikayla, anyone watching? I'll pick this one and you hide it in your stroller.
Molly enjoyed the festivities too.
Vi could sit there for hours, picking up the petals, dropping them in her lap, collecting them, repeat.

Oatmeal is better...

...when you eat it yourself.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Fun with Dear Ol' Dad

Over the weekend, Rich and Vi spent quality time together while I took a little trip with my girls. :) Their time was spent having fun outside, traveling to the 'cuse, eating ice cream, and playing in the dirt. Here Vi is dirty, sticky, and tired from all of her fun at a picnic at the Adams' house.
I'm sad I missed such a fun time. ;(
Vi had fun with Grandma and Grandpa
One serious cutie
Snack time with her cuzzins & Aunt Nan