Monday, November 26, 2007

Gobble Gobble

I'm thankful for...
Precious moments
Aunt Shawnie
Sweet potatoes, friends, board books, my cat hannah and this cute dress Zaida sent me. ;)

Smiley Vi-lee

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dedication Day

Violet was dedicated on Sunday, November 11th. It was a special day for a special little lady. ;)

Proud parents realizing the breadth of their responsibility. Our girl - happy to be surrounded by her Grandparents, Nana and Monique, Aunts & Uncles {sadly, sans Uncle Scott} and first cousins.

Nana, save me! My mom will NOT leave me alone.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Violet Thursdays

Since my friend Danyelle and I both work from home, we worked out a plan to swap childcare one afternoon a week so that we have a set time to schedule conference calls, meetings, etc. Violet spends most Thursday afternoons in her sunny house, napping in the guest room and playing with her pal, Mallory. It's been so fun to watch them grow and play together. Here are a few recent shots -- Danyelle took them during their time together.

BTW - Violet is 8 months old today. Unbelievable!

Wait - get a shot of my foot. It's really cute.
The mini-mowhawk
Mal and Vi - playing nicely!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Holly Not so happy Violet

Violet was dressed as Holly Hobbie for her first Halloween. Sadly, I didn't get a good full length shot of her in her costume. She's so funny - she didn't mind her bonnet and happily stayed in her costume all day! We went for lunch at Auragen, stopped by to check out Abel's costume and then joined friends for a party. As the last picture depicts, Violet was tuckered out by the time the party rolled around and we had to replace her cute costume for pjs early on in the evening. She was obviously not digging the party...but she was smiling once I put her to bed soon after this shot was taken. ;)

Hopefully her Christmas picture doesn't look anything like this one...