Wednesday, January 16, 2008

10 Months

Walking? Crawling? Violet IS scooting backward in the opposite direction of her toys though! She's making progress.
Also, the 'stranger danger' phase has lifted! She'll cry a little when I drop her at the sitter's or if someone holds her before she's ready, but she is doing so well with adjusting to this new phase of her first year.
She's even taken to drawing. ;) See Exhibit A above. The darker lines and circles are Rich's examples and the lighter lines are Violet's best attempt at copying her daddy. She holds the pen like a pro!

I can't believe we'll be celebrating her first birthday in less than two months. She's only requested two things for her party...1) She'd like all of her best buds there 2) She'd like to have dinosaur BBQ for lunch. Funny...I saw Rich whispering in her ear before request #2 came in. We'll see if she gets both of her birthday wishes. ;)

1 comment:

The Rice's said...


Violet looks like she has the best personality and sense of humor just like her Mom and her Aunt Tracey!The last entry with the smile emergency was hilarious! It goes so fast doesn't it? Those first few months it seems like it is going to last forever but then it starts to speed up and things get so much more fun and easier. Paige didn't crawl until she was ten months old because she rolled everywhere! She was crusing for about three months before she finally walked at 14 months! They all do it when they are ready! Enough with my novel:)