Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Strong Museum of Play

Abel is always sure to add the 'of Play' when he mentions this area children's museum, and he was all about showing his cuz the cool things to do when we visited on Saturday.

Two cuzins setting off on an exploration of play:

Vi enjoyed the Dr. Seuss reading hour:

Filling up the tank for another hour of fun:

Abel successfully climbing the 'wall of skin' at the Grossology exhibit (as you can see, the exhibit lives up to its name):
Aunt T gave Viley this fairy crown to commemorate the festivities. Thanks Aunt T:

1 comment:

Beth said...

Gotta love the "moon eyes" that graced that last picture... :)

I can't believe your little girl is going to be a whole year old, and I STILL haven't met her. Sad! I'll have to come out and visit and she can meet her cousin...in...law? Is that an actual relation? Ha ha.