Monday, November 03, 2008

Convenience items

Yesterday was a sad day. It was the day I realized my 'go to' snacks on the go no longer cut the mustard. Said snacks = rice cakes and apples. At one time a rice cake would cure all ills, hunger pangs in the middle of a grocery store, a slow short order cook, the long ride home from a busy toddler time class, etc. Today the rice cake takes a certain second chair to ANYTHING. Vi takes two bites and sets it down and says, "SNACK!"

Apples are a different story. I noticed something was up when she started randomly handing me pieces of half chewed apple skin here and there over the past week. Yesterday she sat on my lap at church and proceeded to bite her apple, spit out the skin, and place it atop the rice cake sitting on the empty chair next to us (and yes, that rice cake was minus two bites). I think I was just curious because I didn't stop her from doing it until the entire rice cake was covered with nasty, masticated apple skin. (I'm sure the people behind us began questioning my parenting skills at that moment).
Later in the day we went to a cider mill and of course Vi was eating another apple. As I was shopping I could hear her walking around the shop saying, "Up here." She was discarding the fruity remnants upon anything she could find (until Rich started to follow her around and collect them). Finally we convinced her to begin to EAT the ENTIRE apple. We'll see how long that lasts.

I'm hoping Vi changes her mind about her two old favorites. In the meantime, I'm going to have to find a few more convenient, healthy snacks to get us through when we're on the go.


DOW FAMILY said...

cracked me up when I read this! Toddlers are so much fun and are so messy!!

DOW FAMILY said...

cracked me up when I read this! Toddlers are so much fun and are so messy!!

Beth said...

I recommend you look into hairy bean sandwiches.

Adams Fam: said...

My kids eat apples the same way. It worked ok when they could eat outside, now it's not so convenient.