Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Only 10 Weeks to Go

The snow is falling softly outside and the pine needles have started to fall from the tree. I find myself constantly wondering what Baby Downie will look like and what milestones she'll be overcoming by next Christmas. She is growing fast now - almost 3lbs. Considering the rate I've been consuming Christmas cookies - this will probably continue to increases rapidly. ;)

Choosing a name has become a more difficult task than I imagined. I never had a wishlist of girl's names so it's been a challenge trying to formulate one over the past few months. If a clear winner rises to the top I'll be sure to let you all know.

These last weeks will be filled with painting her room, trying to prepare mentally for what lay ahead and snatching a nap as often as possible. I also return to work on Jan. 3rd.

Rich and I would like to thank you for all of the prayers. They are invaluable - please keep 'em coming. ;)

Baby Downie can't wait to meet the people who make our lives so special.


Tracey said...

We can't wait to meet her too...eep getting huger Baby Downie!

zaida said...

you look beautiful..... still manage to look thin while pregnant. well at least we know part of the baby's initials will ZD

Grandma and Grandpa "D" said...

To Baby Downie
We love you very much and can't wait to give you our hugs and kisses. Grandma and Grandpa "D"

Megan said...

Lora-glad to see an update on here! You look wonderful. Such an exciting time! I wish you well with everything. I am sure Tracey will be a great "new mom" expert but if you need any baby girl tips...let me know. Be well!

Beth said...

I can't believe it's so soon! I am excited for you. Take it easy with your return to work...

I like names that start with E. Does that give you a jumping off point? (Hee hee.)

Stay well! Love to you!