Monday, December 31, 2007

Uh-oh, We have a smile emergency

Violet has always been smiley and just recently she has become really coorperative when it comes to taking pictures. She sees the red light flash and she's all about hammin' it up for the shot. I was really happy about this, especially since the holidays were approaching.

Well, the morning of Christmas Eve I noticed that Violet was squinting her eyes into little crescent moons everytime she smiled. Little did I know the impact this new style of smiling would have on our Christmas pictures. I swear, the second she sees the camera now, she scrunches up her nose and squeezes her eyes shut until she hears us put the camera away. These aren't out-takes, these are the best of the bunch. At least she's still smiling... ;)

Although it's cute, I hope her 'old' smile comes back soon! At this point, I fear her loyal readers will never see her eyeballs again.


SJ Austin said...

That is hilarious. :-)

Megan said...

That may be the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Tracey said...

I keep coming back for more, too funny!