Wednesday, March 11, 2009

60 second post

1. Vi has taken to carrying her Veggie Tales DVD holder around with her. It's really strange. She loves the asparagus.
2. I asked her if she had a dream yesterday and she nodded and said, "Yes, Pop-pop."
3. After receiving 2 shots and a toe prick at her 2 yr apt today she announced, "Doctor. FUN!" on our way out of the office. And yes, she had a rice cake in her hand.
4. I have an awesome babysitter who put together one of Vi's birthday presents today. She must know it would have never gotten done without her help. ;)
5. Vi now runs and hides in the guest room when it's time to change her diaper, change her clothes, put her PJ's on, eat her breakfast, take a nap, go to the store, or clean up her toys. There is NOTHING in there for her to play with and when I come to get her she is standing next to the nightstand doing NOTHING. Interesting.
6. I am convinced there are two types of people who shop at pittsford wegmans. Those who ignore everyone else because they are a part of the beautiful people club and those who compliment froggy boots. I prefer the latter - Vi prefers to be ignored.


DOW FAMILY said...

Thanks for sharing those special and fun tidbits! It makes me feel apart of your life! I miss you guys!

Beth said...

#6 is my favorite. :)