Saturday, March 14, 2009

Too cute to correct

Vi says a few words incorrectly. Every time she says them I smile and I'm selfishly not willing to give up those little moments. ;) The word listed first is correct and the second is Vi's interpretation:
1. Oatmeal = Email (Figuratively she's right on the money...we both consume "email" for breakfast)
2. Coins = monies (pronounced "MONEYEZZZ") (Me: Vi, how many coins are there? Can you count them? Vi: 1...2...4..6 moniens!)
3. Mine = mines (as in, "that's mines Hannah, that's mines milk, that's mines slide, that's mines veggie tales, that's mines birthday cake, that's mines...yadayadayada")
4. Milk = Nilk (OK, so I have tried to correct this one MULTIPLE times and she's said it this way for so long that I find myself saying it sometimes)
5. Ice cream = Eye cream (i think this one is just based on the fact that ice cream is difficult to enunciate and yes, I need a little bit of both of these right now)


The Carlson Chronicles said...

Precious! Ryan always called milk "nilk", too! I don't know when he corrected that I think about it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lor, You also said eye cream
when you were little. Sooo cute.